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영문 논문 및 북챕터 (English, peer-reviewed)

  • "Science as a Family Affair: Won Pyong-Oh and the Transwar Origins of South Korean Ornithology", International Journal of Korean History 29 (2024), 5–55.

  • “Historicizing Science and Technology Diplomacy in Japan and South Korea”, Korean Journal of Science and Technology Studies 24 (2024), pp.35–64 (with Kaori Iida).

  • “Translation Matters: Racial Classification in South Korean Genetic and Genomic Research”, in Tino Plümecke, Andrea zur Nieden, Nils Ellebrecht, Isabelle Bartram, and Veronika Lipphardt eds., Categorized People: Biological Diversity and the Concepts of Race, Ethnicity or Ancestry in the Life Sciences (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2024)

  • ““Multicultural Genes in Our Blood”? Genetic Governance and Biocultural Purity in South Korea”, in Dorothy Roberts, Eram Alam, and Natalie Shibley eds., Ordering the Human: Global Spread of Racial Science (New York: Columbia University Press, 2024), 161-181,

  • “Negotiating Conservation and Competition: National Parks and ‘Victory over Communism’ Diplomacy in South Korea”, The British Journal for the History of Science,

  • “From Mass Disasters to State Violence:  Genetic Identification of Victims and Memory Politics in South Korea, 1988-2002”, The Korean Journal for the History of Science 45 (2023), 321–342.

  • “Technology and the Post-human” for an edited volume Cambridge History of Technology (accepted by the volume editors).

  • “The Globalization of Science Diplomacy in the Early 1970s: A Historical Exploration” (with Sam Robinson and other sixteen authors), Science and Public Policy,

  • “Race and Ethnicity”, in Andrew Denning and Heidi J.S. Tworek eds., The Interwar World (Routledge Worlds Series)(New York: Routledge, 2023), pp.263–278.

  • “Reconfiguring Mountaineering Expeditions: The Transwar Origins of the Korean Nature Conservation Movement, 1926–1962”, Korea Journal 62 (2022), pp.79–115.

  • “Korean Science since the Colonial Period: Environment, Medicine, and Technology in Transwar Korea”, Korea Journal 62 (2022), pp.5–19.

  • “Masked Societies in East Asia: A Forum on the Socio-Material History of Face Masks”, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 16 (2022), pp.70–73.

  • “Some Reflections on the History of Masked Societies in East Asia”, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 16 (2022), pp.108–116 (with Akihisa Setoguchi and Mary Augusta Brazelton).

  • “In the Name of Human Adaptation: Japanese American Children and Racial Anthropology in Postwar Japan”, Perspectives on Science 30 (2022), pp.167–193.

  • “People in Motion: Introduction to Transnational Movements and Transwar Connections in the Anthropological and Genetic Study of Human Populations”, Perspectives on Science 30 (2022), pp.1–12 (with Iris Clever and Elise K. Burton).

  • “Rearticulating the “Primitive”: The Sea Women and the Emergence of Trans-Pacific Physiology”, Historia Scientiarum 30 (2021), pp.159–175. 

  • ““Brokering Science, Blaming Culture”: The US-South Korea Ecological Survey in the Demilitarized Zone, 1963–1968”, History of Science 59 (2021), pp.315–343.

  • “Between Engagement and Isolation: Population Genetics and Transnational Nationalism in South Korea during the 1960s–80s”, The Korean Journal for the History of Science 42 (2020), pp.357–380.

  • “Racializing Chōsenjin: Science and Biological Speculations in Colonial Korea”, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 13 (2019), pp.489–510.

  • “Blood Purity and Scientific Independence: Blood Science and Postcolonial Struggles in Korea, 1926–1975”, Science in Context 32 (2019), pp.1–22.

  • “Tracing National Origins, Debating Ethnic Homogeneity: Population Genetics and the Politics of National Identity in South Korea”, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 49 (2019), pp.351–383.

  •  “Making Postcolonial Connections: The Role of a Japanese Research Network in the Emergence of Human Genetics in South Korea, 1941–1968”, The Korean Journal for the History of Science 32 (2017), pp.293–324.

  • “Geneticizing Ethnicity and Diet: Anti-doping Science and its Social Impact in the Age of Post-genomics”, Frontiers in Genetics 8 (2017), doi: 10.3389/fgene.2017.00056.

  • “Asians—A Doping-Friendly Race?: Anti-Doping Research and Popular Discourse on Race in the Post-Genomic Era”, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 10 (2016), pp.5–27.

영문 서평 및 에세이 (English, non peer-reviewed)

  • "Forces of Nature: New Perspectives on Korean Environments edited by David Fedman, Eleana J. Kim, and Albert L. Park / Review." Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 37 (2024), 93-98.

  • “Annika A. Culver, Japan’s Empire of Birds Aristocrats, Anglo-Americans, and Transwar Ornithology. London and New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022. 328 pp. $103.50 hardcover. ISBN: 9781350184930.” East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: An International Journal 17 (2023), 531-536.

  • “Blood Work: Life and Laboratories in Penang. By Janet Carsten. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2019. x, 237 pp. ISBN: 9781478004813 (paper)”, The Journal of Asian Studies 79 (2020), 1052-1054.

  • “The Material Lives of Masks in Japan and South Korea / A Conversation between Jaehwan Hyun and Tomohisa Sumida”, The Mask—Arrayed (October 2, 2020).

  • “Living with Masks: Dealing with Mask-Induced Pain in South Korea”, The Mask—Arrayed (June 14, 2020).

  • “Ecologizing the Korean Demilitarized Zone: Fields, Animals, and Science during the Cold War”, Feature Story: Research Topics No. 68 (The Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science, May 2020).

국문 논문 (Korean, peer-reviewed)

  • "『자연보존』을 통해 본 1970년대 자연보전 논의의 변화 The Korean Conservation Association’s Chayŏnbojon Magazine and the Conceptual Change of Nature Conservation in 1970s South Korea", 『생태환경과 역사 Journal of Ecological Environment and History』 12 (2024): 73-115 (공저자: 원주영, with Chuyoung Won).

  • "[기획특집] 한국 우생학의 역사와 오늘 Introduction to the Special Issue: The History and Present of Eugenics in Korea", 『사회와 역사 Society and History』 136 (2022): 7-8 (공저자: 박지영, with Jiyoung Park).

  • “해방 이후 한국의 '민족우생'론과 한국의 의과학자들, 1945-1664 National Eugenics and Medical Scientists in South Korea, 1945-1964”, 『사회와 역사 Society and History』 136 (2022), pp.55-92.

  • “일제강점기 위생 마스크의 등장과 정착 The Emergence and Development of Hygiene Masks in Colonial Korea”, 『의사학 Korean Journal of Medical History』 31 (2022), pp.181–220.

  • ""아시아인 건강을 위한 한국인 게놈": 한국인 유전체 프로젝트의 상업화 전략 “The Korean Genome for Asian Health”: A Commercialization Strategy of the Korean Genome Projects”, 『과학기술학연구 Journal of Science & Technology Studies』 19 (2019), pp.117–167.

  • "“한민족의 뿌리”를 말하는 의사들: 의학 유전학과 한국인 기원론, 1975-1987 “Doctors Discussing “the Root of Koreans”: Medical Genetics and the Korean Origins, 1975–1987”, 『의사학 Korean Journal of Medical History』 28 (2019), pp.557–596.

  • “지방차와 고립한 멘델 집단: 두 중심부 과학과 나세진의 혼종적 체질 인류학, 1932-1964 Sejin Rha’s Hybrid Physical Anthropology Between Two ‘Central’ Sciences, 1932–1964”, 『한국과학사학회지 The Korean Journal for the History of Science』 37 (2015), pp.345–381.

  • “STS 관점에서 본 위험 거버넌스 모델: 위험분석과 사전주의 원칙을 중심으로 Risk Governance Models Seen from the STS Perspectives: Risk Analysis Framework and the Precautionary Principles”, 『과학기술학연구 Journal of Science & Technology Studies』 15 (2015), pp.279–323 (공저자: 홍성욱, with Sungook Hong).

  • “생물학 연구 방법론 변화에 따른 생물다양성 개념의 전환: 인간 유전다양성 연구 사례 Changing Methodologies and Reshaping Concepts in Biodiversity Science: A Historical Review of Research on Human Genetic Diversity”, 『환경생물 Korean Society of Environmental Biology』 32 (2014), pp.413–425.

  • “유전체학, 새로운 '인종 과학', 그리고 과학학의 대응 The Genomics of Race and the Response of Science Studies”, 『과학철학 Korean Journal of Philosophy of Science』 17 (2014), pp.83–126.

  • “'맞춤의학' 담론에서 발견되는 기표-정치(signifiant-politics)에 관한 연구 A Preliminary Study on the Signifiant-Politics in the Case of ‘Personalized Medicine’ Discourse”, 『과학기술학연구 Journal of Science & Technology Studies』 14 (2014), pp.139–175 (공저자: 이준석, with Junseok Lee).

  • “미국의 PSA 진단검사 논쟁과 유연한 근거중심의학 The PSA Testing Debate in the U.S and Flexible Evidence-Based Medicine”, 『과학기술학연구 Journal of Science & Technology Studies』 13 (2013), pp.77–109.

  • “시민참여를 통한 과학기술 거버넌스: STS의 '참여적 전환' 내의 다양한 입장에 대한 역사적 인식론 Scientific Governance through Public Participation: Historical Epistemology of Divergent Positions in the Participatory Turn of STS”, 『과학기술학연구 Journal of Science & Technology Studies』 12 (2012), pp.33–79 (공저자: 홍성욱 with Sungook Hong).

국문 번역본, 서평, 북챕터, 기고문 등 (Korean, non peer-reviewed)

  • 월간 『과학동아』 '과학사 극장' 시리즈: 찰스 다윈 (2023.9), 루이 파스퇴르 (2023.11), 로잘린드 프랭클린 (2024.1), 레이첼 카슨 (2024.2), 이반 파블로프 (2024.4), 카를 린네 (2024.8)

  • “과학과 반인종주의라는 가치: 유네스코 인종 선언문 논쟁Science and Anti-Racism: The UNESCO Statement on Race and its Debate”, in 이중원 홍성욱 편집 Joongwon Lee and Sungook Hong eds., 『과학과 가치: 테크노사이언스에서 코스모폴리틱스로 Science and Value: From Technoscience to Cosmotechnics』  (서울 Seoul: 이음 Eum Books, 2023)

  • “[한국 과학기술의 결정적 순간들] 1942년 강영선, 유전학 연구에 첫 발을 내딛다 Yung-sun Kang Entered the Genetic Research Network in 1942”, HORIZON (December 12, 2022)

  • “'다른' 세계의 존재를 확인하고 새로운 미래를 상상하는 일, 아르투로 에스코바르 『플루리버스』, 알렙 2022 A Book Review: Arturo Escobar, Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds, Durham, Duke University Press”, 『창작과 비평 The Quarterly Changbi』 198 (2022).

  • “비판적 과학자 전기의 가능성과 어려움을 묻다: "The Private Science of Louis Pasteur by Gerald L. Geison" A Book Review: Gerald L. Geison (1995), The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press”, 『교차 Kyocha』 3 (2022), pp.229-256.

  • “도핑의 윤리학과 '유전학'의 문제적 조우 A Problematic Encounter between Doping Ethics and Genetics”, HORIZON (October 27, 2022).

  • "반도핑 과학은 언제나 공정한가 Anti-Doping Science and the Problem of Equality", HORIZON (May 29, 2022).

  • "최루탄 공해와 수행되지 않은 과학 Tear Gas Pollution and Undone Science in South Korea and Beyond", 『생태전환매거진 바람과 물』 4 (2022).

  • 『마스크 파노라마: 흑사병에서 코로나19까지, 마스크의 과학과 정치 Mask Panorama: The Politics and Science of Masks from the Black Death to COVID-19』 (서울 Seoul: 문학과 지성사 Moonji Publishing, 2022) (홍성욱 공편 co-edited with Sungook Hong).

  • 슈타판 뮐러-빌레와 한스 외르크 라인베르거 저, 『유전의 문화사』 A Korean Edition of The Cultural History of Heredity, written by Staffan Müller-Wille and Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (부산 Busan: 부산대학교 출판부 Pusan National University Press, 2022).

  • “[서평] 포스트게놈 시대에 부활하는 망령들로부터 벗어나기: 『리센코의 망령: 소비에트 유전학의 굴곡진 역사』 로렌 그레이엄(2021), 동아시아  A Book Review: Loren Graham (2016), Lysenko’s Ghost: Epigenetics and Russia, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press”, 『과학기술과 사회 The Korean Journal of Science, Technology, and Society』 2 (2022), pp.242–251.

  • “뼈의 과학과 식민지 인종·성차별주의 Bone Science and Colonial Racism/Sexism in Modern Korea”, 『과학잡지 에피 Epi』 20, pp.82–89.

  • “위험한 공기를 상상하다: 20세기 초 의과학의 지구적 순환과 방역용 마스크의 탄생 The Global Exchange of Epidemic Knowledge and Masks in Early Twentieth Century” in 이종봉 편 Jongbong Lee ed., 『동아시아지식학 총서 4: 동양과 서양의 문화교류 East Asia as Cultural Crossroads』 (부산 Busan: 부산대학교출판부 Pusan National University Press, 2022), pp.51–84.

  • “좋은 과학과 옳은 과학 사이에서: 유네스코 인종 선언문 논쟁 Between Good Science and Righteous Science: The UNESCO Statement on Race and its Debate”, HORIZON (December 12, 2021)

  • “인종 분류의 과학사와 그 흔적들 The History of Race Science and Its Legacies”, 『한국 스켑틱 The Korean SKEPTIC』 24 (2020), pp.82–99.

  • 『언던 사이언스: Undone Science: The Politics of Exclusion in Life Sciences』 (Seoul: Danielstone Publishing Co., 2015) (ISBN-13: 9788958075868, 248 pages).

  • 『21세기 교양 과학기술과 사회 Science, Technology, and Society』 (서울 Seoul: 도서출판 나무나무 Namunamu Publishing Co., 2016) (ISBN-13: 9788998529109, 504 pages, with 홍성욱, 서민우, 장하원 공편 Sugook Hong et al.).

  • “[서평] 스티븐 로즈, 힐러리 로즈, 김명진, 김동광 옮김, 『급진과학으로 본 유전자, 세포, 뇌: 누가 통제하고 누가 이익을 보는가 (바다출판사, 2015), 456쪽 A Book Review: Hilary Rose and Steven Rose (2012), Genes, Cells, and Brains: The Promethean Promises of the New Biology, London: Verso”, 『한국과학사학회지 The Korean Journal for the History of Science』 38 (2016), pp.267-270. 

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